Monday, July 19, 2010

playing the edge of sentimentality

I read Postsecret every Sunday (apparently Sunday is my day of sentimentality...). My brother first initiated me into the club and often I find what's posted cloying, or just plain uninteresting: our banal secrets. But sometimes I find what people share inspiring and uplifting and true. As the project has become more and more of a pheonomenon, I think it's become less powerful, in a way. Or perhaps, in another way, it has become more so--look at this intense and widespread need to connect and share, to free ourselves of our burden.

Anyway, this past week, this one got me:

Isn't this what we all wonder about former loves, even as the memories slip from pain to past? Maybe more interesting: what recalls you to me, but has no meaning to you? How do we find ourselves in such symmetry/assymetry? Was it always a step on/a step off all along? Oh, to understand how the heart ticks...


  1. dude. now THIS is some shit right here. a mouthful, as they say.

    what recalls you to me, but has no meaning for you? guh.

  2. I almost cried when I thought I broke a coffee cup from Palestine Shira gave me. I still have cards from Cindy and others. I have pictures Marie drew for me while she was still in high school. I only recently threw out two empty cigarette packets (one from Shira's mom, one I gave to Allie).

    I'm glad I could turn you on to that but even Postsecret itself, to me, seems like a relic from past relationships.
