Monday, November 8, 2010

perspectives on friendship

Good advice tonight from an old friend about friendship:
you want to think that you can just be 100% honest or yourself all the time with all of your friends, but sometimes there are extra layers of sensitivity

in the meantime, eat your own sensitivity a bit, if its worth it to you, and thats the thing you just have to assess how much you're willing to take/what is worth it to you 
And a reminder of a very salient example from her own life and our own friendship group: sometimes we can't partake in all parts of our friends' lives or have them participate in all parts of ours. We have our own baggage and sometimes it's heavier and it is all we can do to try to carry it ourselves to avoid burdening others too much. And in those times, we may not have a lot of arms left to hug or a lot of smiles left to share. And such is life, right? Such is life. The best we can all do is try to understand each other's position, the things we carry, and know that our actions are born from lov

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