Sunday, July 4, 2010

making the choice

I always read the NYT's Modern Love columns, though recently they've been more disappointing than inspirational. Still, there are many that have had siginificant impact. This week's was great. Regardless of the situation or origin, staying in a marriage, in a relationship, is a choice. One made and renewed regularly.

My father always said he only wanted to be married to my mother for as long as they both wanted to be (of course, they actually only got a marriage certificate this year, which I can't help but tease them about, but paper is only one proof of marriage). Witnessing how divorce affected my mother's life and those of friends, I think this commitment, this choice, is one of the most important things we can accomplish. They don't call it work for nothing...


  1. loved this NYT article, as well as your comments on it. relationships ARE work, and we make a conscious choice every day to stick em out. they take grit, determination, commitment - and maybe also a healthy dose of picking one's battles, and of not taking life too seriously.

    so sad to see history repeating itself with the son, but loved the author ends on a hopeful note - amen to that.

  2. Yo, didn't they have to get a marriage certificate in 1989 when they took us to Indonesia?
