Monday, July 19, 2010

the target list

Autumn targets:
  • Emily Rafferty (President, Metropolitan Museum of Art; Met lifer)
  • Thomas Krens (former Director, Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, NY; current senior advisor Guggenhim Abu Dhabi; expansionist extraordinaire)
  • Jeffrey Deitch (Director, LA MOCA; former downtown gallerist monopolist)
  • Maddy Briggs (Principal, Genzler; let's explore this architecture thing)
  • Eli Broad or Joanne Heyler (Director, Broad Art Foundation) -- first one scheduled! (August 7)
  • Robert Wennett (Developer, 1111 Lincoln Rd.--photos coming later today)
  • Strategy, Lincoln Center
One down...let's see how many others I can convince to meet with me. Some heavy hitters here.

Any additions welcome. Let's set some goals people! Let's see what's out there.

1 comment:

  1. you better catch up on your GH. just sayin.
